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Cuda Automatic Parts Washer Advantage

Cuda Parts Washers Advantage - Good for the Environment and your walletDangerous Solvents vs. CUDA Parts Washers

Automatic Parts Washers from CUDA are aqueous based and easy on the environment... but tough on dirt.

Compare dangerous solvents with the CUDA-clean solution in your facility, with the parts you clean day in and day out. A demo will show how CUDA's Automatic Parts Washers use powerful jets of hot water and industrial-strength detergents to blast away dirt, grease and grime in a hurry. We'll also show how your CUDA APW could pay for itself in a year.

Get your parts CUDA Clean. . . and save.


Call today for a FREE demo, PLUS a no-obligation analysis of the Return On Investment (ROI) you can expect when you purchase a CUDA Automatic Parts Washer.


Why ProLine stands out from the rest:

  • Independently owned and operated
  • We honor manufacturer's warranties
  • Hundreds of satisfied customers!


Solvent Tank vs Cuda Automatic Parts Washer Calculator